The Scioto Soil and Water Conservation District was formed on the heels of one of the most critical agriculture catastrophe of our nation's history. The dust bowl era sparked a legacy of soil and agriculture conservation that has led to many years of good stewardship of the land and an improvement to farm production and efficiency. Our work in the Agriculture community is the cornerstone of our office.
The Conservation District works in partnership with many other agencies to help provide planning, counsel, and helps to connect residents with state and nationwide conservation programs. We are available for consult and offer technical planning support for many conservation practices that can be applied to your farm, ranch, or homestead. The District is also the primary responders within Scioto County for the Agricultural Pollution Abatement laws and is your local sponsor for the 4R Nutrient Management program.
Conservation Plans are a free planning service we offer in conjunction with the USDA's Natural Resource Conservation Service. These plans can help identify and address resource concerns as well as improve farm production and profit through land use and management adjustments. For more information about Conservation Planning see this link to NRCS's website.
The Conservation District has a seed drill available for rental. For more information about use of the drill and for the rental agreement please select this link.
Thanks to a partnership with Scioto County Farm Bureau the district now has a Lime Spreader available for rent. Farm Bureau Members get a special discount too! For information about the equipment and for the rental agreement select this link.
We are long term partners with the USDA's Natural Resource Conservation Service. Here is a link to their website. For Conservation planning and projects please feel free to contact our staff. We are happy to help you navigate these programs.
The USDA's Farm Service Agency has been serving Farmers and Ranchers for many generations. Please access their website for program information.
The district keeps a list of local Contractors for construction projects. This list is not an endorsement of the contractor but a listing of those we are aware of in the area that have done or are willing to do agriculture and related projects.
Before you guess - soil test! The Conservation District offers a wide variety of tests for your farm operation. Not only do we offer soil testing but we also have testing for forage, hay, and manure. Call the office for details about all testing services.
A guide to help you properly take soil samples for testing.
Required by the state beginning January 1, 2022 Scioto SWCD will be charging state sales tax (7.25%) for items rented and sold. If you are a tax-exempt entity and you purchase or rent items from the District, please complete a tax-exempt form in our office.
This is a very good Land Pride 606NT no-till drill set up and use instructional video for renters to view before their first-time use. It is approximately 26 minutes long but well worth watching to help ensure proper set up and use.