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Pollinators have incredibly important jobs and are facing increasing pressures.  The Conservation District supports local, regional, state, and national efforts to increase pollinator habitat and provide the necessary resources these important members of the food web need to survive. 
Some of the best actions a homeowner can take are to provide good native plant filled habitat for the pollinators and to be cautious about the use of insecticides as they can and do kill both the beneficial insects as well as the pests.  Be sure to provide nectar providing plants throughout the season and in the case for some pollinators their specific host plants.  For example: the monarch butterfly's host plant is milkweed and the monarch butterfly will rely on milkweed to host their eggs and feed the larvae. 


Scioto Soil and Water Conservation District is proud to partner with many other organizations in Ohio to participate in the Ohio Pollinator Habitat Initiative.  This partnership includes a common milkweed seed collection and dispersal throughout the year.  If you are interested in planting milkweed or collecting milkweed to contribute to the program please contact us. 


Our free consultation services include helping to provide information at landscaping for pollinators.  To find out what you can do to help be pollinator friendly please give us a call. 

DP beeflower
DP swallowtail

Harvesting common milkweed seeds?  Be sure to wait until the pods are dry.  Our collection runs September 1 through October 31.

Annual Milkweed Pod Collection Sign.jpg

Find out more about our partnerships and about our efforts to collect milkweed seeds.

The Xerces Society is a great resource with information about pollinators.

An in-depth publication from Pollinator Partnership on selecting plants for pollinators in the eastern broadleaf forest region.

The Ohio Division of Wildlife's Backyards for Butterflies publication contains information to improve your property for pollinators.
The Xerces Society has published a great resource for those interested in creating and improving bee and pollinator habitat on their farm property.
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