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Rural Landowner Conference

December 7, 2019 @ OSU South Centers in Piketon, Ohio

The needs and concerns of rural landowners can be remarkably different than other landowners.  Join us and other area resource professionals as we help to address some of the topics that can be of great use to you.  Topics to include CAUV program, Landowner Liability, Trespassing, Timber planning, and more.  


Make plans to join us at the OSU South Center in Piketon, Ohio on Saturday, December 7th.  Doors will open at 8:30, the program starts at 9:00 and sessions will happen throughout the day ending at 3:30. Lunch will be sponsored in part by the Jackson-Vinton, Pike and Scioto Farm Bureaus and John Wilbur's Nationwide Insurance. Lunch will be free to current Farm Bureau members and Non-members will have a cost of only $5 at the event.  Registration is requested and you can do so by registering online (via the button on this page) or by calling our office at 740-259-9231.  


General Session Topics - Local Resources, CAUV - (Current Agricultural Use Value) Tax Assessment Program, and Landowner Liability and Trespassing. 

Break Out Session Topics - Forest Management Planning, Invasive Species Management, Hay Field and Grazing Management, and Pollinator and Wildlife Habitat Management.

*topics subject to change

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